A Summer of Harvest

Dr. Greg with Solu, an Israeli Messianic Worship Group during video interview session for the Pioneers of Messianic Worship documentary.


A Summer of Harvest


This has been a sweet and harvest-filled summer season.  I am grateful to see how God is working in and through our lives and ministries unto Him.  So much has happened recently that June seems far away.  However, it has only been a month or so since the Tucson Youth Worship Camp at Congregation Beth Sar Shalom.  This was our fourth year in a row offering this program.  Our camp theme was “Chadash” (“New Thing”) based on Isaiah 43 which says that God is doing a “chadash,” a new thing.


Here’s a video of the youth performing a special Messianic dance to our original “New Thing” song.


It feels that God has been building a foundation year after year, and we have already begun hearing some beautiful testimonies of what God accomplished in the lives of the youth as well as the adults from that week.  I realize that many of you were praying faithfully for us during the time of the camp.  Thank you so much for your prayers and support.  I appreciate you all so much.  Here is a testimonial from a parent of two of the campers:

This is the most well run event my kids have ever participated in. I saw a lot of confidence build in my children and their ability to join in worship in a meaningful way.  – Jennie W.

Click to watch our highlights video of special moments from this summer’s Youth Worship Camp.


About a week after camp, I was able to attend the Messiah Conference in Pennsylvania together with my wife and her mother.  Messiah Conferences have been a big part of my life through the years.  I actually led worship with the teams every year from 2002-2016.  However, I had not had an opportunity to minister publicly at one since 2016, eight years ago.  When God put it in my heart to return this year, I decided to attend regardless of whether there would also be opportunities to lead worship publicly.  As the conference drew near, a number of opportunities arose to lead worship both solo and together with teams.  What a great delight to be a part of that special week – Messianic teachings, dancing, music, fellowship, reconnections with brothers and sisters in the Lord from years past, plus a delightful bunch of new connections!  Things kicked off strong right on the first night.  I got to lead worship together with the Debbie Chernoff House Band.


Here is a video of Lion and The Lamb and Days of Elijah medley 

from that first night of the conference.


After the Messiah Conference, my plan had been to take some down time from major ministry events for the remainder of July.  However, it seemed that God had something additional in mind…


As many of you know, we have been working on the Pioneers of Messianic Worship documentary and are now in the editingstages.  Here is a video teaser about the film project.  Although I am not a pioneering artist in the documentary, I am narrating it.  I had planned to video record my narrations in September.  However, these narrations wound up being recorded this past month!  You see, an opportunity arose for us to also video record an interview with Solu, an Israeli Messianic worship group who was on tour in the U.S.  Would you like to guess one of the areas they were touring? Phoenix.  It just happened to be that our video director, Evan, (who has a very busy traveling schedule) was available to come out on short notice. Through a joyful convergence of contacts, we were able to interview Solu the afternoon before their worship concert in the Phoenix area that night.  Since Evan was in Arizona anyway, he and I drove down to Tucson where I live, and then we were able to video my narration parts for the documentary.  Instead of September, it seems that The LORD’s timing was all this past month.  HalleluYah! To learn more about the Pioneers of Messianic Worship documentary visit MessianicMusicDocumentary.com.


God’s timing is perfect.  God’s ways are blessed and restorative.  He is the God who reconciles, resurrects, restores, heals, and delivers.  He is the God who saves.  May He continue to use you and I together as partners in His work to restore and draw both Israel and the nations to Himself.  Thank you so much for partnering with us through your prayers and financial support.  Together we are used as tools in His hands to reach His sons and daughters and lead people into The Presence of Yeshua.

If you would like to connect with me further, please don’t hesitate to email greg@gregsilverman.com or contact me through our website. I personally receive those messages, and would be glad to be in touch with you. If the Lord is leading you to you can sow a special donation into one of our ministry projects as we gear up for what God is doing through the remainder of 2024! God bless you and your family!


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